Analyze Product Teams

Empower your teams with self-service product analytics insights. Know what bets to make, what experiences and customer actions lead to outcomes, and where to double down.

analyze with statwide

Behavioral data Analysis

Behavioral data

Go beyond surface-level data like page views and clicks to analyze user behaviors, attributes, channels and more. Create powerful behavioral cohorts to identify your most important customers. Manage your audiences in real-time within any Amplitude analysis or 3rd party integrations

Unlock insights from your data

Unlock insights

Analyze the data you already collect with blazing-fast self-serve analytics – no SQL required. Amplitude supports a bi-directional connection with your data warehouse.


Complete data, automatically

A single snippet automatically captures the entire digital experience of every user on your product or site — no engineering needed.

You get the most complete dataset on the market, governed and organized for maximum usage.

User Profiles

Profile your users

Track the customer journey and group your users by attributes to create customer personas. Monitor actions like account cancelation and activation by understanding adoption trends. Profile the correct customers for upsell opportunities and reduce churn.

Funnel Analysis

Measure feature dropout rates.

Boost retention by 50% by understanding user dropout patterns. Discover dropout trends and narrow down where your product teams need to spend energy and resources. Re-engage dropped users by making the right product changes and reaching out back to the users.

Get in Touch!

We’ll work with your product team to strategize and define analytics that are important to the product teams. We’ll empower your team to understand feature adoption and performance at a rapid pace.